DOFF Stone Cleaning

by | Dec 10, 2023 | DOFF Cleaning, London, Stone Cleaning

How to Get Full Asking Price On Your Property

Façade Cleaning on London’s Busy Streatham High Road (Doff Stone Cleaning)

Streatham’s is a diverse & pulsating town centre and home to over 400 businesses. The Mayor of London’s Outer London Fund awarded £300,000 from Round One and then £1.6m from Round Two, matched by £1m from Lambeth Council, to support ongoing development in Streatham, a progressively trendy area for families.

Works are being done to remodel Streatham High Road. Shops fronts are being tittivated and new lighting will make the town a more attractive place. As part of this redevelopment, DSW Cleaning LTD were contact by our client; a specialist groundwork and civil engineering contractor, to provide professional DOFF steam cleaning to the stone façade on a section of the high street above the Santander Bank and Costa Coffee.

Fascinatingly, Streatham means “the hamlet on the street”. Whilst Streatham has its own distinctive appeal and claims the longest high street in Europe, it is actually the Victorian and Edwardian villas which line Streatham’s streets that impart a feeling of time-honoured grandeur to the area. This meant our DOFF steam cleaning services needed to be sensitive and sympathetic to the history of the local built heritage.

Cleaning buildings on the local high street is vital.

Are you the facilities manager, tenant, owner occupier or freeholder of a building on a busy High Road?

Would your high-street building benefit from façade cleaning?

Are there external element of your building that have become dirty?

DSW after cleaning doff stone cleaning

Read on to see 3 keys ways our DOFF cleaning service benefited the Streatham High Road and what our services can do for you, your building & your community.

Exterior Cleaning Enhances Aesthetic Appeal

Clean buildings contribute to the overall aesthetics of the high street, making it more attractive and inviting. A well-maintained environment can positively influence people’s perception and enhance the overall ambience of the area. What’s more, a clean high street fosters a sense of community pride. Residents and businesses are more likely to take pride in their surroundings, leading to a collective effort to maintain cleanliness and order.

Exterior Cleaning Helps Grow the Local Economy

A clean and well-maintained environment creates a positive customer experience. Visitors are more likely to spend time and money in an area that looks and feels welcoming. This has an undeniable positive economic benefit to local businesses. A clean and well-kept high street can have a positive impact on the wider local economy too. When an area is visually appealing, it may attract more visitors – not just people who live locally, leading to increased foot traffic and potential customers for local businesses.

Exterior Cleaning Improves the Environment (Doff Stone Cleaning)

Regular cleaning helps to maintain a healthy and safe environment. Cleaner streets diminish the likelihood of accidents and contribute to the overall well-being of the community. More than just reducing risk, regular cleaning can also contribute to environmental sustainability by minimising the environmental impact of human activities on the local ecosystems.

Do you like how we cleaned the stone façade of this building in Streatham High Road?
Get in contact with our friendly and helpful team of exterior cleaning professionals to explore how we can improve any and all of the external areas on your local High Road, from pavement cleaning to façade cleaning and so much more.

exterior cleaning near me

Written by DSW

DSW is a specialist exterior cleaning and safe roof company delivering professional exterior cleaning services to both residential, commercial and corporate clients. We employ a range of different cleaning techniques, English Heritage approved equipment and industry leading technologies to achieve superior exterior cleaning results.


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